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Legislative Histories

ProQuest® Congressional makes available CIS Index legislative histories only through the basic subscription.

Legislative histories enable users to trace the development of a public law from its early consideration to its enactment, including development that spans more than one Congress.


ProQuest Congressional does not provide information regarding the version of referenced bills. To obtain more detailed bill information, please consult hard bound CIS Legislative Histories volumes.

Each CIS Index legislative history contains an abstract of the public law, bibliographic citations (title, date, collation, CIS Accession number, and Statutes at Large citation), and controlled vocabulary subject indexing.

For Legislative histories from 1998 (106th Congress) to the present, the following categories of publications are cited in each history to which they relate:

  • SLIP LAW - access by clicking Public Law Number link
  • ENACTED BILL - access bill text by clicking bill number; access bill tracking report by clicking the Retrieve Bill Tracking Report link
  • RELATED BILLS - access bill text by clicking bill number; access bill tracking through links within bill texts records
  • DEBATE - access daily Congressional Record excerpts by clicking page number links
  • COMMITTEE REPORTS - access abstract and indexing records by clicking report links; access available full text from the abstract and indexing records
  • COMMITTEE HEARINGS - access abstract and indexing records by clicking hearing links; access available transcript and submitted statement text from the abstract and indexing records
  • COMMITTEE PRINTS - access abstract and indexing records by clicking committee print links; access available full text from the abstract and indexing records
  • HOUSE & SENATE DOCUMENTS - access abstract and indexing records by clicking document links; access available full text from the abstract and indexing records
  • MISCELLANEOUS - including citation to Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents Presidential statements issued upon signing of the law

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