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In parliamentary practice, a vote is called to decide a question or a motion, or to pass a piece of legislation to the next stage in the legislative process. There are different types of votes in both the House and the Senate, including:

Voice vote
A vote in which the presiding officer puts forth the proposition and calls for the "ayes" and then the "nays". Supporters shout "aye", opponents shout "no", and the chair announces the vote with the phrase "in the opinion of the chair, the ayes (or the noes) have it". Before the chair announces the final results, a Member may ask for a division or record vote. In both Chambers, most questions are put to a voice vote first.
Division (standing) vote
A vote in which those in the Chamber in favor of a proposition stand up and are counted by the chair, followed by those in opposition. In the Senate, division votes are unusual and are sometimes taken by Senators raising their hands instead of rising.
Record vote
Includes all votes in which the names of Members voting on each side are individually recorded and the cumulative totals of yeas and nays are compiled. In the House, record votes include both yea and nay and recorded votes. Since 1973, record votes in the House have normally taken place by electronic device. Members vote with electronic voting cards, and their votes are displayed on an electronic board. The Senate refers to record votes as yea and nay votes or roll-call votes, and does not use an electronic voting system. Senators can ask for a roll-call vote at any time a question is pending without having to wait for a voice or division vote to take place first.

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