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Citing Testimony (Transcribed or Written)

Database Information

This database contains transcripts of congressional committee hearings. These transcripts cover both statements of witnesses and the question and answer (Q&A) sessions between witnesses and Members of Congress.

For each citation, include:

  • "U.S. Congress" and the committee or subcommittee name use the name of the committee as supplied within the transcript; this will typically include the words "House" or "Senate" and the phrase "Hearing of the " as part of the committee name. These phrases should be included exactly as given. This information is usually contained in the "headline" of the document.
  • Headline (or title) provides the subject of the committee hearing; use the headline exactly as provided within the transcript
  • Witness name the affiliation or title of a witness can be omitted, particularly if the affiliation or title is not official; witness names can also be entered last name first (for example, Albright, Madeline K.) to maintain an alphabetical arrangement of works by a single author within a bibliography. (This applies only to citations from Federal Document Clearing House Congressional Testimony).
  • Hearing date
  • Database name (Text from:) there are several sources included in this database: FDCH Political Transcripts; Federal Information System Corporation Federal News Service; Federal Document Clearing House Congressional Testimony; CQ Transcriptions.
  • Web service name (Available from: ProQuest® Congressional)
  • Date accessed by the user (Accessed: date)

For example:

  • U.S. Congress. House Ways and Means Committee. "Holds Hearing on the 1993 Gasoline Tax." (Date: 5/8/96). Text from: FDCH Political Transcripts. Available from: ProQuest® Congressional; Accessed 10/15/98.
  • U.S. Congress. Hearing of the Military Personnel Subcommittee of the House National Security Committee. "POW/MIA Issues." (Date: 6/19/96). Text from: Federal Information System Corporation Federal News Service. Available from: ProQuest® Congressional; Accessed 10/15/98.
  • Madeleine K. Albright (U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Dept. of State). "Testimony on FY97, Commerce/Justice/State Appropriations before the Senate Appropriations Committee, Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, State, the Judiciary, and Related Agencies." (Date: 5/23/96). Text from: Federal Document Clearing House Congressional Testimony. Available from: ProQuest® Congressional; Accessed 10/15/98.

Specific quote contained in the transcript

Since a hearing transcript may contain the statements and Q&A of committee members and witnesses, it may be necessary to quote a specific statement within the transcript. The database does not provide page or screen numbers. To quote a specific statement or segment within the transcript, provide the name of the person being quoted and the specific hearing transcript.

Include the speaker name (lists containing the complete name of each person are included at the beginning of each transcript). The affiliation or title of a witness can be omitted, particularly if the affiliation or title is not official. Titles of the Members of Congress should be included. The first speaker's name can also be entered last name first (for example, Albright, Madeline K.) to maintain an alphabetical arrangement of works by a single author within a bibliography.

For example:

  • Rep. Gilman (N.Y.). Quote from: U.S. Congress. Hearing of the House International Relations Committee. "PLO Commitment Compliance and Terrorist Threat to Israel." (Date: 3/12/96). Text from: Federal Information Systems Corporation Federal News Service. Available from: ProQuest® Congressional; Accessed 10/15/98.
  • William Bennett. Quote from: U.S. Congress. Hearing of the Senate Judiciary Committee. "National Drug Control Strategy." (Date: 2/2/90). Text from: Federal Information Systems Corporation Federal News Service. Available on: ProQuest® Congressional; Accessed 10/15/98.
  • Representative Floyd Spence (S.C.). Quote from: U.S. Congress. House National Security Committee. "Holds Hearing on Improving the Management and Operation of Intelligence Activities." (Date: 7/11/96). Text from: FDCH Political Transcripts. Available from: ProQuest® Congressional; Accessed 10/15/98.

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